Semua pasti tahu selain berpetualang menjalani misi atau melawan Boss... Ada satu hal lagi yang harus menjadi kebutuhan yaitu farming material... Apalagi buat para pemain yang mengambil Job Blacksmith / Alchemy.. Farming pastinya sudah menjadi hal yang wajib.. iya kan haha..
Oke.. Berikut beberapa Rekomendasi Tempat Farming Material Toram Online Terbaik menurutku... Yang akan terus diupdate dan diperuntukkan untuk semua level dari level rendah hingga level tinggi.. :)
MANA Material Rekomendasi Spot
MAPS : Ancient Empress's Tomb [Area 2]
Total Material Item Production :
- [Mana] Fairy Peace (x1) ---> 20pt - 25pt
- [Mana] Spiritual Gem (x99) ---> 160pt - 198pt
- [Mana] Spiritual Gem (x99) ---> 160pt - 198pt
- [Cloth] Sheeting Fabric (x99) ---> 561pt - 693pt
- [Cloth] Torn Cloth (x99) ---> 320pt - 396pt
MOBS : WANDERING BLOOD CRYSTAL <----- For High Damage or Level..!!!
Pilihan Alternatif
MOBS : WANDERING BLOOD CRYSTAL <----- For High Damage or Level..!!!
MAPS : Avant Plastida [Area 3]
Total Material Item Production :
- [Mana] Aquarator (x1) ---> 72pt - 80pt
- [Mana] Bloody Red Gemstone (x99) ---> 445pt - 495pt
- [Mana] Bloody Red Gemstone (x99) ---> 445pt - 495pt
- [Cloth] Jiggling Fin (x99) ---> 1425pt - 1584pt
- [Cloth] Hard Water (x99) ---> 1425pt - 1584pt
- [Cloth] Hard Water (x99) ---> 1425pt - 1584pt
Pilihan Alternatif
MAPS : New Moon Palace [Area 1]
Total Material Item Production :
- [Mana] Metal Wings (x1) ---> 16pt - 20pt
- [Mana] Magic Marionette Heart (x99) ---> 160pt - 198pt
- [Metal] Mage Stone Coin (x99) ---> 320pt - 396pt
- [Metal] Long Stone Stick ---> 561pt - 693pt
- [Mana] Magic Marionette Heart (x99) ---> 160pt - 198pt
- [Metal] Mage Stone Coin (x99) ---> 320pt - 396pt
- [Metal] Long Stone Stick ---> 561pt - 693pt
MAPS : Lutaros Cavern [Area 1]
Total Material Item Production :
- [Mana] Summer Shell (x99) ---> 891pt - 990pt <-- Best Mana Material Ever..!! ^^
METAL Material Rekomendasi Spot
MAPS : Lutaros Cavern [Area 1]
Untuk Material :
Total Item Production :
- [Metal] Adel Sword (x1) --> 18pt - 20pt
- [Metal] Sharp Rock Fragment (x99) --> 267pt - 297pt
- [Metal] Lutaros Cavern (x99) --> 534pt - 594pt
- [Metal] Damascus Ore (x99) --> 534pt - 594pt
MOBS : MECH LITTLE BOAR <----- For High Damage or Level..!!!
- [Metal] Adel Sword (x1) --> 18pt - 20pt
- [Metal] Sharp Rock Fragment (x99) --> 267pt - 297pt
- [Metal] Lutaros Cavern (x99) --> 534pt - 594pt
- [Metal] Damascus Ore (x99) --> 534pt - 594pt
MOBS : MECH LITTLE BOAR <----- For High Damage or Level..!!!
MAPS : Sykea Deep Valley [Area 1]
Total Material Item Production :
- [Metal] Steel Horn (x99) --> 980pt - 1089pt
- [Beast] Coarse Beast Fur (x99) --> 801pt - 891pt
- [Wood] Beast Fang Talisman (x1) --> 22pt - 25pt
- [Mana] Energy Bottle (x99) --> 267pt - 297pt
- [Beast] Coarse Beast Fur (x99) --> 801pt - 891pt
- [Wood] Beast Fang Talisman (x1) --> 22pt - 25pt
- [Mana] Energy Bottle (x99) --> 267pt - 297pt
CLOTH Material Rekomendasi Spot
MAPS : Ancient Empress's Tomb [Area 2]
Total Material Item Production :
- [Mana] Fairy Peace (x1) ---> 20pt - 25pt
- [Mana] Spiritual Gem (x99) ---> 160pt - 198pt
- [Mana] Spiritual Gem (x99) ---> 160pt - 198pt
- [Cloth] Sheeting Fabric (x99) ---> 561pt - 693pt
- [Cloth] Torn Cloth (x99) ---> 320pt - 396pt
BEAST Material Rekomendasi Spot
MAPS : Lonogo Canyon
Total Material Item Production :
- [Metal] Crystal Earrings (x1) --> 4pt - 6pt
- [Beast] Fluffy Fur (x99) --> 240pt - 297pt
- [Beast] Short Nail (x99) --> 481pt - 594pt
- [Medicine] Carrot (x30) --> 170pt - 210pt
MOBS : MECH LITTLE BOAR <----- For High Damage or Level..!!!
- [Beast] Fluffy Fur (x99) --> 240pt - 297pt
- [Beast] Short Nail (x99) --> 481pt - 594pt
- [Medicine] Carrot (x30) --> 170pt - 210pt
MOBS : MECH LITTLE BOAR <----- For High Damage or Level..!!!
MAPS : Sykea Deep Valley [Area 1]
Total Material Item Production :
- [Metal] Steel Horn (x99) --> 980pt - 1089pt
- [Beast] Coarse Beast Fur (x99) --> 801pt - 891pt
- [Wood] Beast Fang Talisman (x1) --> 22pt - 25pt
- [Mana] Energy Bottle (x99) --> 267pt - 297pt
- [Beast] Coarse Beast Fur (x99) --> 801pt - 891pt
- [Wood] Beast Fang Talisman (x1) --> 22pt - 25pt
- [Mana] Energy Bottle (x99) --> 267pt - 297pt
WOOD Material Rekomendasi Spot
MAPS : Harde Hill
Total Material Item Production :
- [Wood] High-Quality Wood Arrow (x1) --> 16pt - 20pt
- [Wood] Tree Dragon Branch (x99) --> 320pt - 396pt
- [Wood] Tree Dragon Bark (x99) --> 481pt - 594pt
- [Medicine] Strange Egg (x99) --> 641pt - 792pt
MOBS : PLANT MACHINA <----- For High Damage or Level..!!!
- [Wood] Tree Dragon Branch (x99) --> 320pt - 396pt
- [Wood] Tree Dragon Bark (x99) --> 481pt - 594pt
- [Medicine] Strange Egg (x99) --> 641pt - 792pt
MAPS : Copia Reservoir
Total Material Item Production :
- [Metal] Elven Ear Cuffs (x1) --> 20pt - 23pt
- [Wood] Spiral Tree Root (x99) --> 980pt - 1089pt
- [Wood] Green Ball (x99) --> 1158pt - 1287pt
- [Beast] Mossy Fur (x99) --> 1336pt - 1485pt
- [Wood] Spiral Tree Root (x99) --> 980pt - 1089pt
- [Wood] Green Ball (x99) --> 1158pt - 1287pt
- [Beast] Mossy Fur (x99) --> 1336pt - 1485pt
MOBS : PLANT MACHINA <----- For High Damage or Level..!!!
MAPS : Peligro Landfill
Total Material Item Production :
- [Wood] Contaminated Wood (x99) --> 801pt - 891pt
- [Wood] Peligro Wood (x99) --> 1069pt - 1188pt
- [Mana] *Peligro Landfill (x99) --> 89pt - 99pt
- [Mana] ASPD+80 (x1) --> 1pt - 2pt
MOBS : IVY <----- For High Damage or Level..!!!
- [Wood] Peligro Wood (x99) --> 1069pt - 1188pt
- [Mana] *Peligro Landfill (x99) --> 89pt - 99pt
- [Mana] ASPD+80 (x1) --> 1pt - 2pt
MOBS : IVY <----- For High Damage or Level..!!!
MAPS : Dark Dragon Shrine: Middle
Total Material Item Production :
- [Wood] Spiky Arrow (x1) --> 63pt - 70pt
- [Wood] Spiky Arrow (x1) --> 63pt - 70pt
- [Wood] Ivy Vine (x99) --> 1425pt - 1584pt
- [Wood] Young Thick Branch (x99) --> 1603pt - 1782pt
- [Medicine] Potato (x99) --> 1782pt - 1980pt
- [Wood] Young Thick Branch (x99) --> 1603pt - 1782pt
- [Medicine] Potato (x99) --> 1782pt - 1980pt
MEDICINE Material Rekomendasi Spot
Nah daftar diatas adalah tempat farming material production yang terbaik untuk saat ini,, menurutku.. Tapi tidak menutup kemungkinan akan ada tempat farming yang lebih baik untuk menggantikan tempat-tempat diatas... Pantau aja terus.. ^_^v
MAPS : Ancient Empress's Tomb [Area 3]
Total Material Item Production :
- [Cloth] Headband (x1) --> 4pt - 5pt
- [Cloth] Fairy Feather (x99) --> 400pt - 495pt
- [Medicine] Strange Shining Powder (x99) --> 481pt - 594pt
- [Cloth] Headband (x1) --> 4pt - 5pt
- [Cloth] Fairy Feather (x99) --> 400pt - 495pt
- [Medicine] Strange Shining Powder (x99) --> 481pt - 594pt
- [Mana] Nightmare Crystal (x99) --> 160pt - 198pt
MOBS : COFFEE JELLY <----- For High Damage or Level..!!!
MOBS : COFFEE JELLY <----- For High Damage or Level..!!!
MAPS : Sykea Deep Valley [Area 1]
Total Material Item Production :
- [Medicine] Sticky Liquid (x99) --> 801pt - 891pt
- [Medicine] Bitter Gelatin (x99) --> 980pt - 1089pt
- [Medicine] Tar Oil (x99) --> 1247pt - 1386pt
- [Cloth] Ribbon (x1) --> 1pt - 2pt
- [Mana] MP+200 (x1) --> 1pt - 2pt
MOBS : GRAPE JELLY <----- For High Damage or Level..!!!
- [Medicine] Bitter Gelatin (x99) --> 980pt - 1089pt
- [Medicine] Tar Oil (x99) --> 1247pt - 1386pt
- [Cloth] Ribbon (x1) --> 1pt - 2pt
- [Mana] MP+200 (x1) --> 1pt - 2pt
MOBS : GRAPE JELLY <----- For High Damage or Level..!!!
MAPS : Ultimea Sewer: Southeast [Area 2]
Total Material Item Production :
- [Medicine] Sour-Sweet Liquid (x99) --> 1158pt - 1287pt
- [Medicine] Red Purple Gelatin (x99) --> 1336pt - 1485pt
- [Metal] Ultimea Stone (x99) --> 1336pt - 1485pt
- [Cloth] Ribbon (x1) --> 1pt - 2pt
MOBS : ACERNIX <----- For High Damage or Level..!!!
- [Medicine] Red Purple Gelatin (x99) --> 1336pt - 1485pt
- [Metal] Ultimea Stone (x99) --> 1336pt - 1485pt
- [Cloth] Ribbon (x1) --> 1pt - 2pt
MOBS : ACERNIX <----- For High Damage or Level..!!!
MAPS : Garden of Ice & Snow
Total Material Item Production :
- [Medicine] Broken Ice Pillar (x99) --> 1158pt - 1287pt
- [Medicine] Broken Ice Pillar (x99) --> 1158pt - 1287pt
- [Medicine] Crushedd Ice (x99) --> 1425pt - 1584pt
- [Wood] Snowland Talisman (x1) --> 33pt - 37pt
- [Mana] *Garden of Ice & Snow (x99) --> 89pt - 99pt
- [Wood] Snowland Talisman (x1) --> 33pt - 37pt
- [Mana] *Garden of Ice & Snow (x99) --> 89pt - 99pt
Nah daftar diatas adalah tempat farming material production yang terbaik untuk saat ini,, menurutku.. Tapi tidak menutup kemungkinan akan ada tempat farming yang lebih baik untuk menggantikan tempat-tempat diatas... Pantau aja terus.. ^_^v